All texts and images by Gaelle Konak (unless stated)

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Paysages d'une vie

Et rongeant mes entrailles
Secouée par la fièvre
blond comme le corbeau
des yeux sans fin

Un grand éclat de rire
Le monde entier l’embrasse

Le soleil se mirait en riant sur son front
Et les ciels s’effilochaient entre les sourires

Et écorchant mon coeur
Sur sa joue lumineuse
Agonie délicieuse
Des yeux...

Trop de clarté peut-être
Mais que tout mon être réclame.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

One step forward...

I'm still surprised to realize how scared I am to put my work out to be approved (or not) by the art world. The fear of criticism and rejection which had me paralized all these years is still very much there and clutching at my throat. It would be so easy to step back and close the door, locking my entrails away safely, only to expose them partly and briefly to an audience with no voice and no real interest.
How to accept not to be loved? Art is so inherent to the deepest and most intimate part of the one who creates it, it might as well be their own flesh and blood. Rejection then becomes similar to someone saying they dislike you as a human being and dismiss all that you may feel or think as an individual, that you are not worthy of their time and interest. Am I brave enough for it? Am I ready? Do I feel confident and secure enough with who I am and what I do to survive this ultimate test of love, stand out in a crowd of rivals more talented and charming than me, take my clothes off and face the cold detached stare of the all powerful judges of what is "good art"?...

Saturday, 12 February 2011

The Poetic Quality of the Solar System

I think about...

The loneliness of a planet
Spinning around a lonely star
Gravitated by lonely moons
In the silence of outer Space...

The beauty of a moon
Caught in a planet's orbit
Dancing around it forever
But never to reach it....

Being an icicle
In one of Saturn's rings
So delicate, so small
Oblivious to Infinity...

Thursday, 10 February 2011

'Ils seraient ceux qui dorment l’un près de l’autre et se retrouvent ensemble au matin, quand on devine que devant les montagnes bleues commence une journée de bonheur.' 

Henri Pourrat, Gaspard des Montagnes

Impression sur fond de lumière

Quitte ces vêtements de soleil érodé
Plus un bruit dans le bois
Que quelques pierres qui pleurent
Que quelques enfants morts
Qui rient entre les ronces

Des copeaux de coeur sous les ongles
Des mouches qui grésillent
Contre la fenêtre entrouverte
Et mille éclats de soir
Plantés en moi je vis

La chaise furieuse brûle
Plus un cri dans le parc
Que le ciel vomissant sur moi
Mes immenses fenêtres.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Au pays

C'est un beau pays
La rage y est molle
Arrondie comme son horizon
Les soirs d'été
Les collines s'embrasent
Bleues de silence et de temps
Long comme les yeux
Des gens
Qui ne disent bonjour
Les sapins pour berceau 
Et l'histoire se déroule 
Comme un chat au soleil
Contre un paquet de neige
au Printemps.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Lamb to Slaughter

It's time I finally accept to surrender myself to the sharks of the art world, and allow them to rip through my flesh as they will in the hope that one may spare me and give me a chance to share my "baby" with other similar-minded people... I have decided to put my "I was here" project in the line of fire, a very personal and emotionally charged piece of work for me, but one which I hope is more accessible and more likely to be accepted as a first bait by the galleries I have selected.
Most of the images are ready but I intend to take a lot more photographs when I go to France again at the end of the month, with the intention to expand on some ideas this project has raised. More close-ups, more detail shots and the possible use of my Holga camera for wider shots. All fingers crossed...