All texts and images by Gaelle Konak (unless stated)

Thursday 23 May 2013


I might look back too much but strangely I've found the view becomes clearer with distance. All these hours spent staring at my insides trying to make sense of them... I wish I could stretch out a hand to that faceless disembodied creature, caught in an insane contemplation, tell her it is ok not to understand and to be different, and that relief will come with age and much stumbling in the dark. There is no cure, only resilience. 

Thursday 9 May 2013


Au loin la forme molle d'un arc-en-ciel s'étire
Au dessus d'un immense champ de colza
Qui pique les yeux comme du jus de citron
Le soleil déjà haut perché baisse des yeux
Toujours indifférents au meilleur comme au pire
Sur mon épaule nue et me répète encore
Le bonheur n'est pas loin, il était juste là.