All texts and images by Gaelle Konak (unless stated)

Friday 12 August 2011

Dead in the water

We only had our mouths to try and filter into words and sense the boiling mess of infinity within us. That sensation of being bigger inside than the limits of our skin, that sinking feeling, the fear we may implode if we couldn't let some of it out. The disappointment as all this terrifying beauty would get mashed and reduced to pale skin and bones by the inefficiency of speech. So we'd walk along the edge of the lake in silence, thinking we were like dead in the water and trying to get over the mourning of our impossible encounter, accept the infinite loneliness, never to be able to expose the wonder, never to be able to break through the limits of oneself to finally reach the Other, meet them, naked and true and almighty. Just dead in the water, floating under the ripples of the surface, cold and immobile, like me and you in the silence of our bodies.

Friday 5 August 2011

Out of the Woods

Never to get lost again.

The lines on my face 
Like the scars on my skin 
Are like rails to hold on 
For a steadier progress

And a safer finish

When you know
You let go

My youth is dying and with it the old wounds
Living appears simpler and the rules fall away
Wish I had known back then

Wish I had known

Wish I could start again.