All texts and images by Gaelle Konak (unless stated)

Saturday, 8 December 2012

The Unbearable Loneliness of the Conscious Being

A shell never to be cracked
The treasure inside 
Never to be seen
Never to be touched
The eternal mystery 
I will remain.

And when the walls finally fall
I will be long gone
Blown back into the infinite anonymity of oblivion
A breath in the wind
A secret never revealed.

And all this time wasted
So alone under my skin.

So much

The mess I am

I found this picture amongst other old drawings I did when I was younger. This one was done in my art class when I was 12 or less I think. We had to draw something out of the outline of our own profile. The result very much reflects how I've felt most of my life...
I remember that day. I was very self conscious as a young teenager and having to do something out of my own body image was a terrible task. I was very much an applied and aesthetically-orientated artist at the time, doing mostly delicate, representative or idealised graphical work. What I did during the session was quite unlike my usual work. The result of this lesson didn't bring anything up to my Conscious at the time. It was a disappointing session as far as I was concerned.
It's only 20 years later that this suddenly strikes me with a very poignant and moving strength. This drawing is such an honest representation of what I was soon going to experience. So maybe it had started already?
I feel so sad for this little girl, whose mind melts in a gory mess, so empty and hollow inside. An omen of what was to come. A snapshot of lucidity.

Monday, 3 December 2012


Donne-moi la main
Sautons à reculons
Jusqu'au fossé
De notre mémoire.

Dans ces jours dorés
A regarder le soleil
Derrière les rideaux

A manger des tartines
Les yeux pleins du cadeau
Tout ce temps devant nous

Notre peau un peu trop grande
A remplir peu à peu
Des bosses que donne l'âge

Mais tout cela si loin
Maintenant juste rire
Penser au père Noël
Ecouter des chansons
Et dépenser nos vies
De la meilleure des manières
Heureux et insouciants.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Nous Etions Là (pour le projet "I Was Here")

Assise sur le rebord de la table
J’écouterai les moineaux et la touterelle

L’absence comme un diaporama
Le passé étalé comme du beurre sur une tartine

A relire comme ses paumes erraflées
A remonter de l’eau comme un poisson qui mord

Un sourire, un frisson,
L’empreinte chaude d’une vieille main dans la nôtre

Attends encore un peu
Cela revient

Les jours se mêleront dans une grande embrassade
Et la lumière viendra cueillir le silence sur les meubles

Et je vous reverrai dans chacun de ces objets
Qui racontent les gestes, le mouvement des vivants

Je reverrai vos coeurs dans chacun de ces objets
Qui racontent les goûts insensés des vivants

Je parlerai de vous avec chaque photo
Vous tirerai de la sourde ouatte de l’oubli

Je répèterai vos noms
Debout là comme une preuve

Que vous étiez
Que nous étions tous là.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

The art of being alive

The art of being alive
The fear of the blank page
To be started in screams and tears
The chaotic fight of becoming one.

Understanding what it is to be human
And accept the curse of knowledge.
Remain humble amongst the creatures of this pageant.
Push our rock uphill
Over and over again.

Looking for the elusive other
Understanding what it is to be human
And accept the incurable loneliness
Hang on to a stranger's hand
To share the load uphill
Over and over again.

It's really just a work of labour,
Tears, fear and a lot of love
The art of being alive
The art of being human.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


A godly sight
As I look down
Cold witness of a ghostly world
Caught in the mouth of the monster
The nothingness before
The nothingness after

A pale absence covering all things
Canceling contours and erasing hills
Taking away all substance
From this world clinging on
To its transient reality.
A floating wisp resisting the annihilation
Just like a fading memory.


The whole of the sky
Is looking at you
The ancient oceans
Keep rolling their waves
Upon silent shores

Of star-born pebbles
And of consumed bones.

The echo of the hills
Stretching up and lying down

On the horizon line
The soil and dust and sand
The water and the wind

The stillness of the ages
Through the dance of the tides

The ocean machine
The heartbeat of a God.
The mad waltz of the Moon
Around our little rock
Our little home spinning
Shaking and tipping us at times
Into the darkness and the frost
Of an unknown infinity
Another trip around the Sun
Mere unrecordable
Celestial brevity.
All this going on around you
Your little dramas and sorrows
And to the day you join it all
Your puny spark of selfishness
And desperate individuality
Finally blown away

So you can humbly return
To be a part of
The universe.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Hold Me

Hold me.
Like some driftwood after the wreck
Like a parachute
A candle in darkness.

Hold me.
Like a balloon on your birthday
Like a promise to a child
A promise to the dead.

Hold me.
Close enough for our hearts to touch
And hum and sing to the same song
And silence our enemies Time and Space...
Hold on.
Please just hold on to love.

Saturday, 8 September 2012


Weigh your worth before the eternal beauty of the Universe
Bow and kneel and beg to let you exist a little longer
Insignificant speck of stardust, barely a breath
In the scale of Time and Space and other things bigger
Than our puny little minds and desperate little gestures.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012


Some bones are better left quiet
Untouched by noisy memories
Unshaken by our pining life
Just to be forgotten

Because soon we'll be dust clouds
Undressed of our skin and scars
And heavy brain and leaking heart
Ashes somewhere unseen

In silence
Joining the layers
Making up the line
Of the horizon.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Being Human

Remember the days the horizon
Was but a hair from your head and the sky
A gentle mouth from above
Kissing your brow.

The sea and the waves used to mirror your fears
A delightful crescendo of things
Too big, too deep, too human to handle
Crashing on your brain, crushing the illusion
Of peace within.

I remember the days your skin was a wall
To scratch and hit to try and peer through
A box, a shroud, a promise of loneliness
Forever anonymity and silence.

Remember the days your hands and your heart
Could speak not in words but in a stronger tongue
And it made you bleed, and it made you smile
And it made your life worth the strife

And it made your life worth being that short spark 
Sprung from darkness, thrown again into dark
Bright but for a breath in the cold loneliness

Of being a human, a temporary work of art.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012


I promise I'll forget
About the skull under my face

The eternity after me
The presence of the absent

The oblivion to which my name
Is bound and imminent

And who I am in my body
Forever to be encased.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Forget Me Not

I have been sleeping here
Under the birches that lined the way
To nowhere in particular
I lie in the embrace
Of brambles and weeds
Where sunlight
Is never quite invited
But where small miracles can take place.

Because I left
A long time ago.

Gone are the days
When the wind carried my voice
A breath across your brow
The sound just like forget-me-nots
Sighing in the oddly still air
Of another sundown.

Because I went
A long time ago.

I'm barely a part of this world
Ground to the thinnest state of existence
Not even white bones in a box
Under a faded stone
Not even a face nor a scent
In any mind alive.

Because I was
A long time ago.

Ashes in a dust cloud
As someone walks over my grave
I rise again for a short while
Please try to remember my name
As you tread softly on my bed
In that place where birches line the way
To nowhere at all.

Because I died
A long time ago.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Walk in the Woods

The sound of my feet on the ground
A faint whisper, the breath of the dying
The time and the impact
Of my stay here
Barely heard
Barely seen
And gone already

The lines around my eyes
And the weight of my skin, my bones
The slow pull of the ground
Of the things beneath, the call
Hungry for me
To turn me into soil
The shiver every night
One day closer

I get no consolation
From stardust and celestial tales
Nor wind nor rain nor stone
The terror of the flesh
The horror of the mind
And no God to embrace and tell me sweet sweet lies
From Eternity, no comforting smile

A cold walk in the woods
Naked and half mad
No path through the brambles
And no escape from the wolf.

Marching on

The air has a smell again
A flat world swelling with relief
Waking shivers but a big smile in the middle of the sky
for Nature hates being idle too long
And is rubbing Her hands
Like an artist in front of a blank canvas

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Late afternoon.
The taste of sweat on your lips.
The smell of the sun on your skin.
But the roughness of your hand on my heart.
My martyr's temptation.
I can't move.
I can't fight.


On the still blind face of the world today
The scents were back
Filling the emptiness of everything around
With the vague recollections
Of earth and sun and leaf
Of lark and toad and bee
Moss and heather
The reason why I'm here
Suddenly remembered
The point of it all
To feel this

Tuesday, 31 January 2012


The pale light of Winter
Falls across my face
Cold embers of my youth
Like snow crumbling 
But it's colder underskin
It's thin and shivering
A baby bird lying
Amongst the bracken
Of your distant heart

But I will never say these words. 
Because I know
They don't work for you. 
And I know you don't read those words. 
Poetry never made any sense to you. 
But I am really a poem, 
And though no one might ever understand it, 
I'm hoping you'll like the music, 
The flavour I leave on your tongue 
And the tingle I leave in your heart.
Because I am a poem.

But a bonus to life.

Monday, 16 January 2012


Show me an easier way
Through the bracken
Back to colour and light
And warmer nights
Back to a time when
I was enough
You were enough
And there were no tears
Behind our smiles.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

January Monochrome

The sky will understand
My desertion

As only you can bring any colour
To this desolation

A world about to drop me like rain
Over the fields of grey

About to blow me like wind
Through the bareness of the trees

I will seek you like sunshine
Through the clouds of January

And hold you like a promise
Of green and leaf and light

In a shivering corner
Of my hibernating heart.